Our Story
A story of travel, adventure, sun salutations, liberation and dreaming big...
Mokṣa is a Sanskrit word meaning liberation, bliss and inner peace.
It was dreamed up whilst I and my husband had taken a few months out from the rat-race to travel this beautiful planet we live on after both of us reaching burnout with our hectic and stressful lives. I have always had a huge interest in all things natural and I had completed a natural skincare course to make things just for myself before going travelling, but at that time it felt like more of a dream than something I could actually do for a living.
But, as we travelled I began to get more and more excited about the possibility of having my own business and began jotting down ideas; those ideas evolved and when the time came to make the journey home I had convinced myself that I could actually make my dream a reality. The word Moksa really resonates with me in so many ways. With my travel came a great sense of freedom and a definite sense of inner peace so it just felt so apt; with that Mokṣa was born.
I made my first facial oil as a wedding favour for our own wedding back in 2017. My lovely family and friends absolutely loved it and encouraged me to set up a business. That facial oil is now my multi-award winning and bestselling Wild Rose Facial Elixir!
Having been massively inspired by my travels, and particularly by India and all it’s glorious smells and sensations, I wanted to create a brand to incorporate the experiences I had. I was also adamant that the brand would carry through all the values that I had seen the effects of first hand. This planet and all the wonderful living things on it need all the loving care they can get, so having a business with strong values such as sustainability, ethically sourcing ingredients, minimal packaging and being cruelty free are so important to me.
I just want to share a little piece of my experience and happiness and if that is taking 10 minutes out every evening to just be kind to yourself by cleansing your face properly or enjoying a long hot bath on a Sunday evening to prepare for the week ahead, then that’s great. I wanted Mokṣa to be about taking that time because it is so important to enjoy some ‘me time’ in a world which can sometimes be so crazy that it all gets a bit lost. I really hope you enjoy using my products as much as I enjoy dreaming them up and creating them!
Thank you for being here.
With so much warmth + gratitude,
Chloe xx